Menopause Yoga Class Series Tuesday 8th June - 13th July at 7.30pm Our Menopause Yoga Series has been designed especially to help women at all stages of the menopause.  From the rocky road of Perimenopause to the unchartered waters of Postmenopause, or for those who...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 24 – Star

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 24 – Star

Star of wonder, star of night Guide us to thy perfect light   The perfect way to end our Yoga Advent Calendar on Christmas eve, with a guiding star. May you all shine bright this Christmas. Namaste 🌟   How to: Sit in Baddhakonasana (Bound Angle...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 23 – Namaste

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 23 – Namaste

Namaste is a symbol of gratitude and respect. The gesture, with palms together at the heart, represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us and is an acknowledgement of the soul in one, by the soul in another.  Rather beautiful.   How to:...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 21 – Dancer

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 21 – Dancer

WARNING: Absolutely do not attempt to do this in high heels!  They were used for artistic effect only and it made it really hard! How to: Stand tall in Tadasana and shift weight into right leg Lift the left heel towards your buttocks Reach back with your left hand and...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 20 – Christmas Dove

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 20 – Christmas Dove

A festive take on regular Pigeon Pose - upgraded to a dove ;) How to: From Downward Dog, draw the right knee forward and place it to the floor just behind the right wrist Let the foot comfortably settle across the mat Begin to slide the left leg away, straightening...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 19 – Rock the Baby

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 19 – Rock the Baby

How to: Sit tall in an easy cross-legged position. If your lower back rounds sit up on a folded blanket. Bend your right knee, hugging the shin and drawing the knee towards the right armpit. Bring your left hand to hold the sole of your right foot, right under your...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 18 – Yoga Hands

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 18 – Yoga Hands

How to: Cow Face Arms: Sweep you right hand behind your back so it is resting between your shoulder blades, palm facing outwards Lengthen your left arm to the sky and bend it behind your head, hooking the fingertips of the right hand Hold for 5 breaths and repeat on...

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 17 – Christmas Tree

Rosieglo Yoga Advent Day 17 – Christmas Tree

Water your Christmas Tree with the odd sherry and watch it grow :)   How to: Start standing in Mountain pose and turn toes outwards. Rise up onto tip-toes, and as you exhale, bend knees to slowly lower to a squat position with heels up. At the same time, raise...