How to:

From warrior 2 (right-facing), bring the right forearm onto the right thigh

Inhale and arc the left arm over the head, to make a strong diagonal line from the left heel to the fingertips

Exhale, sink hips

Inhale, rotate ribs to the ceiling, exhale lengthen

Hold for 5 breaths and repeat on the other side

Optional bind

Lower the right fingers to the floor inside the ankle

Wrap the left arm behind

Thread the right hand beneath the thigh to meet the left hand and make a bind.  Work on spinning the chest to the ceiling and peeling back top shoulder

Hold for 5 breaths and repeat on the other side

Great for:

Stretching and strengthening thighs, knees and ankles

Stretching hips, groin, hamstrings, and calves; shoulders, chest and spine

Stimulating the abdominal organs

Tips for a safe practise