I love teaching week 5 of our 6 week block.
Week 5 seems to be when everything comes together and we really begin to see results.
People appear more confident, have a buzzy energy and really focus on their practise.
We’re familiar with the cues, can refine poses and achieve great alignment and stillness.
The balance between strength and flexibility is more evident. Strength is increasing, helping us to find stability in Down Dog and we’re safely moving deeper into a pose with improved flexibility.
Some things I’ve noticed in week 5:
- Core strength is improving – aiding pretty much every pose
- Some cracking half moons
- People are really going for it in running plank
- Great focus and willingness
- Deeper forward folds
- Fierce Goddess pose
- Beautiful, sleek triangle pose
- Even embracing firelog pose
- Remaining active in twist poses (not just having a rest on your thigh!)
And even the little things are working:
- Fingers are spreading wide in Downward Facing Dog
- Toes and heels are together in Tadasana
- People are engaging with the breath
As a teacher, it’s magical to witness the students journey and it just goes to show the benefits of a regular weekly practise.
So to all you students out there, just take a moment to marvel at your improvement, thank your body and feel proud of your dedicated practise.
You’ve done good. Keep it up :)
Namaste x
Make sure you book your next yoga class block
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